Ensures that certain types of equipment meet minimum Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other regulatory standards.
Delineates services provided by the Employee Health Service to comply with this mission.
Identifies requirements for UCSF-wide surveillance and vaccinations to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of communicable diseases at UCSF locations.
Assigns actions and responsibilities required for confirming a UCSF campus exposure to a communicable disease.
Ensures compliance with the provisions of the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices.
Designates central control point for UCSF badges, keys, and locks used to secure equipment or doors of UCSF locations.
Centralizes the scheduling of courses and use of instructional space on campus through the Registrar.
Provides guidance with respect to presence of animals at UCSF.
Outlines the criteria used in determining gift or private grant status and relevant reporting requirements.
This policy is under revision.