Rules governing the disposal of capital asset surplus equipment.
Ensure compliance with federal laws pertaining to Identity Theft and to set forth guidelines for establishing the UCSF Identity Theft Prevention and Response Programs.
Responsibilities regarding interactions between the University community and industry relating to educational, clinical, and research activities.
How employees may obtain notary public appointments and outlines the policies that appointees must observe in the execution of these duties.
Basic rules governing parking and the use and allocation of parking permits.
Campus standards for consistent quality and content of all publications intended to promote or explain the programs or activities of UCSF.
Delineates guidelines for the use of centralized campus mail services.
Use of storage space available to campus departments through Logistics.
Rules governing the receipt of goods (including equipment, furniture, and supplies) for official University business, inspection for damage, and delivery to the ordering departments.
Use of internal printing and copying services and administration of charges for these services.