550-12: Environmental Health and Safety Purchasing Standards

Questions? Contact Campus Administrative Policies


Ensures that certain types of equipment meet minimum Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other regulatory standards.


This policy ensures that certain types of equipment meet minimum Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other regulatory standards.


A. UCSF shall ensure that equipment is purchased, installed, used, and maintained according to regulatory standards.

B. The Office of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) will perform legally mandated training for use of protective equipment.

C. Purchase and installation of the equipment listed below shall be reviewed and approved by EH&S in advance:

1. all local exhaust systems, biosafety cabinets, chemical, and radioactive fume hoods;

2. eye wash fountains and deluge showers;

3. chemical and flammable storage cabinets, laboratory refrigerators, compressed gas cylinder securing systems;

4. carpeting, drapes, other decorative fabrics, waste baskets, and other items that must meet the flame retardant standards of fire agencies and UCSF standards;

5. laser equipment;

6. air and water pollution control equipment and systems;

7. shop safety equipment and devices that must comply with California OSHA electrical and machine guarding requirements.


Contact Office of Origin (see above) with any questions.
