UCSF-specific policies relating to the areas of travel, meeting, and entertainment that are not covered by UC Office of the President policies.
Delineates campus, departmental, student, staff, and faculty responsibilities to ensure emergency preparedness and responsiveness.
Ensure prudent and safe use of alcoholic beverages and to promote responsible behavior regarding the service and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Establishes UCSF standards for Clinical Trial registration to comply with Food and Drug Administration requirements and to secure the ability to publish clinical trial results under the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors standards.
Defines UCSF “affiliates” and “financial systems” and establishes rules and procedures for affiliate access to financial systems.
Prohibits network activities undertaken within a UCSF unit that may result in security risks or inappropriate use of the campus network and online resources.
Defines the populations included in the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) infrastructure for identity management.
Provides for compliance with federal and state law, regulations, and UC policy governing security and confidentiality of Institutional Information.
Addresses the need for a minimum standard to enable multicasting on the UCSF enterprise network.
Defines the scope of authorized and acceptable use of UCSF Institutional Information and IT resources.