250-15: Publications

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Campus standards for consistent quality and content of all publications intended to promote or explain the programs or activities of UCSF.


This policy outlines campus standards for consistent quality and content of all publications intended to promote or explain the programs or activities of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).


Both print and online communications.


  1. Form
    1. The name, "University of California, San Francisco," or approved logo signature, or official web banner should be prominently displayed on the cover of any printed piece or online communication that carries or implies official UCSF sanction.
    2. The first reference to the University in any publication should be "University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)." By using parenthesis around UCSF after the first reference, subsequent references may continue to be abbreviated to identify the campus as UCSF.
    3. In order to meet the editorial, design, and print standards that are expected of a UCSF publication, departments are asked to initiate publications projects with, or submit drafted publications to, the UCSF Office of Communications for consultation or review.
  2. Content
    1. Publications may not contain information at variance with either Regents' or UCSF policies.
    2. Publications may not duplicate or conflict in content or intent with other campus publications.
    3. Where applicable, publications must contain the information necessary to satisfy state and/or federal laws.
    4. Departments must consult with Budget and Finance to obtain accurate, standardized data and information concerning enrollment, research funding, number of faculty, students, and staff, etc.


  1. It is the responsibility of the UCSF Office of Communications to ensure that all publications meet these standards and to exercise oversight as appropriate.
  2. Departments and other campus units are responsible for the accurate representation of UCSF in their publications. Consultation with UCSF's Office of Communications during the planning stage ensures that this will occur.