Delineates the approvals that are needed for remodeling and new construction projects requiring communications cabling or conduit.
Establishes guidelines for the creation, installation, and maintenance of all campus interior and exterior signs and signage programs.
Required protocol for traffic being routed over the backbone network.
Delineates authorization for access to critical building control points for the systems that regulate power and other utilities for the campus.
Outlines responsibilities for maintenance services on campus and delineates personnel authorized to perform work on UCSF-occupied space.
Ensures that certain types of equipment meet minimum Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other regulatory standards.
Delineates services provided by the Employee Health Service to comply with this mission.
Identifies requirements for UCSF-wide surveillance and vaccinations to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of communicable diseases at UCSF locations.
Assigns actions and responsibilities required for confirming a UCSF campus exposure to a communicable disease.
Ensures compliance with the provisions of the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices.