Establishes the requirement to maintain a system of record for identity and location data for all UCSF employees, learners, and affiliates.
This campus policy establishes the requirement to maintain a system of record for all identity and location data for UCSF Faculty, Students, Staff and Affiliates as required by the University of California Office of the President policy IS-11, Identity and Access Management.
Identity is the combination of specific personal data, such as name, date of birth, Social Security number, and UCID, that creates a distinctive system identification associated with each individual. The nature and reliability of the identification process support a level of assurance that an assigned system identity is unique. Generally, this identity verification takes place in Human Resources, Student Academic Affairs, or Graduate Medical Education or in the department that first encounters the individual and creates the person’s record within the institutional system(s) of record, thus establishing an ‘identity.’
A representative sample of UCSF identifiers includes UCSF ID Number (UCID), UC Net ID, Active Directory ID (Username), and UCSF Email Address.
Location is a place or position that can be used to find someone. Physical address, building name, building number, floor, suite, room, and office or cubicle number provide or describe a person’s location.
Identity and Location Management is comprised of those activities we engage in to ensure that everyone who is affiliated with UCSF and uses its resources is known, or identifiable, to the University. UCSF maintains an identity system, known as the Hitachi Identity and Access Management system (Hitachi ID). Individuals employed by or affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco, including students, must have their identity recorded in Hitachi ID (or its replacement system). Except for students, individuals employed by or affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco must have their location recorded in Hitachi ID (or its replacement system).
Contact Responsible Office with any questions.