Policies by Subject Area
13 policies
Physical Facilities
- 600-12: Energy Conservation
Ensures compliance with the provisions of the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices.
- 600-13: Key/Badge Control
Designates central control point for UCSF badges, keys, and locks used to secure equipment or doors of UCSF locations.
- 600-16: Reservation of Classroom Space
Centralizes the scheduling of courses and use of instructional space on campus through the Registrar.
- 600-17: Reservation of Conference and Meeting Space
Delineates requirements for use of UCSF facilities available to provide UCSF community members and eligible non-University groups conference space.
- 600-18: Building Maintenance
Outlines responsibilities for maintenance services on campus and delineates personnel authorized to perform work on UCSF-occupied space.
- 600-20: Signs
Establishes guidelines for the creation, installation, and maintenance of all campus interior and exterior signs and signage programs.
- 600-21: Naming of University Properties, Programs and Facilities
Ensures that all naming in recognition of an honoree is consistent with the University's role as a public trust.
- 600-22: Access to Building Mechanical Rooms and Electrical Vaults
Delineates authorization for access to critical building control points for the systems that regulate power and other utilities for the campus.
- 600-23: Utilities
Designates Facilities Services as the office responsible for providing all utilities except telephone services and data line connections.
- 600-24: Space
Ensures that space is allocated, used, and managed, with a view toward promoting UCSF's mission, overall vision and strategic goals.
- 600-25: Video Systems Control
Regulates the UCSF Video System, intended to deter crime and enhance the overall safety and security of UCSF locations.
- 600-26: Use of Campus Public Spaces and Special Use Areas
Provides criteria for the use of campus open space and special use areas by eligible organizations.
- 600-27: Expressive Activities Held on UCSF Property
Requires that the exercise of free and open expression on University Property is conducted compliant with First Amendment rights, with orderly and civil behavior that ensures public safety and does not disrupt University operations, patient care, or damage UCSF Property.