UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences manages departmental key control in accordance with the Behavioral Health MOU.
Reference to mini-fitness facilities was removed, and age of eligible senior citizen changed to "65+" years or over.
The definition of "Documents & Media" and link to Campus Life Services were updated.
Requires that the exercise of free and open expression on University Property is conducted compliant with First Amendment rights, with orderly and civil behavior that ensures public safety and does not disrupt University operations, patient care, or damage UCSF Property.
UCSF provides information in compliance with California State Senate Bill 108, SEC. 219, 34.
Critical information for all members of the UCSF community to support the balance of freedom of speech, our educational mission, and safety.
Requirements to track research study participants and events in OnCore and APeX; expectations for compliance with internal control standards to ensure integrity of billing procedures for clinical trials.
UCSF 150-23 Whistleblower Policy & Whistleblower Protection Policy has been retired. Please refer to University of California policies.
The University invites the UCSF community to comment on proposed new or significantly revised Campus Administrative Policies.
Guidelines and format to follow when drafting, revising, or reviewing UCSF policies.