Governance in regard to sharing UCSF-owned Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and PII-Derived Data with entities external to UCSF.
Outlines the campus application of an infrastructure and operations (I&O) assessment to gifts and endowment income to provide a portion of the financial support needed to fund campus infrastructure and core administrative services.
Governs verification of general ledger (GL) transactions, which is essential for an effective internal control environment.
Sets forth the repayment provision for faculty receiving a payment under the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program (FRAP) as part of their recruitment.
Establishes requirements and responsibilities for the safe use of hazardous chemicals in all facilities at UCSF.
Promotes safe operations of drones and model aircraft while meeting the University’s regulatory compliance and reporting requirements.
Delineates responsibilities for all UCSF employees, students, visitors, volunteers, and contractors to work safely, and to identify and correct hazards in the workplace.
Regulates the UCSF Video System, intended to deter crime and enhance the overall safety and security of UCSF locations.
Provides an overview of the University’s fiscal month-end and fiscal year-end financial closing process.
Provides for a tobacco-free at work policy to minimize health risks, improve air quality, and enhance the environment at UCSF locations including the surrounding community.