100-32: Agreements with Outside Agencies for Faculty Assignments

Questions? Contact Campus Administrative Policies


Requirements for Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignment Agreements (IPAs) or other agreements with outside agencies (does not apply to IPAs with VA Medical Centers) under which academic appointees are temporarily assigned to locations other than UCSF.


UCSF may occasionally enter into Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignment Agreements (IPAs) or other agreements with outside agencies under which academic appointees are temporarily assigned to locations other than UCSF. This policy clarifies the requirements for those assignments.

This policy does not apply to IPAs with Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers. Please see Policy 100-31, Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignment Agreements, for IPA Assignment Agreements with VA Medical Centers.


The President has authorized the Chancellor to enter into agreements with outside organizations whereby University academic appointees may be temporarily assigned to perform services within the organizations identified above for the purpose of acquiring training and development that will be of benefit to the University. Immediately following the expiration of the agreement, the appointee will return to regular duties. In exchange for the employee's service during the period of assignment, the outside organization must agree to reimburse the University for salary and benefits provided to the employee by the University.

The primary justification for the University to enter into any such agreement is the benefit to the University from the assignment, not the desires or needs of the individual appointee. Following a recommendation for approval by the appropriate Department Chair, it is the responsibility of the Dean of the School of the primary appointment of the individual and the Vice Chancellor − Academic Affairs to approve such agreements and to determine whether the assignment further the goals and objectives of the University and that sufficient benefits are likely to be gained by the assignment.

As a guide, assignment to an outside organization is appropriate for University participation when:

  • The assignment provides an effective means of increasing employee performance on particular duties or enables the employee to assume additional responsibilities in the future; or
  • The assignment provides a means of enabling the University to meet the need for specialized skills and knowledge deemed essential; or
  • The assignment provides a means of acquiring special experience important to the University.

The length of the assignment will depend on the nature of the training and development goals and the value of the assignment to the University. The usual term of an assignment is six months to one year and may not normally exceed two years. An appointee may not be on assignment with outside agencies for more than two years in any five year period.

Under the terms of the agreement with the outside organization, individuals remain University employees for the assignment period and are not placed on leave of absence or terminated from University employment. An appointee who is a member of a Compensation Plan prior to the outside assignment remains a Plan member and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Compensation Plan.

Following preliminary discussions with the agency, the following procedures shall be followed for each Agreement:

1. The academic appointee shall discuss the proposed agreement with the Department Chair to ensure that the department can support the agreement.

2. The department shall contact the Office of Sponsored Research to review the agreement and provide the coversheet.

3. The Department Chair shall submit to the Dean the proposed agreement (or renewal or extension of an existing agreement) with a letter indicating the Chair's support for the agreement that summarizes:

  • The duration of the agreement.

  • The location in which the work described in the agreement will be performed.

  • The assignment goals and how they will be achieved.

  • The increased knowledge, skills, and abilities that are expected to be gained by the employee and how they will benefit the University upon completion of the assignment.

  • Responsibilities of the faculty member to the Department and the School during the period of assignment.

  • Departmental expectations for fulfilling requirements for academic


  • A description of duties to be resumed upon the appointee's return.

  • When applicable, the reason(s) for departmental support for the renewal or extension of an existing agreement

The Dean shall review and, if approved, forward the proposed agreement and Chair's letter to the Vice Chancellor − Academic Affairs for approval. The Vice Chancellor shall return the approved packet to the Department Chair.

4. The Department Chair shall provide the faculty member with a copy of the letter detailing the department's expectations as described in item 3 above.


Contact responsible office with any questions.

