150-27: Violence and Bullying

Questions? Contact Campus Administrative Policies


UCSF commitment to a safe environment that is free from bullying, intimidation, threats, and/or acts of violence.


The University of California, San Francisco, as an employer, is committed to maintaining a safe environment that is free from bullying, intimidation, threats, and/or acts of violence. When faced with such situations, UCSF will take prompt steps to assess, investigate allegations, and/or take remedial actions as the University deems appropriate to protect the rights of the UCSF community, including but not limited to faculty/non-faculty academics, staff, volunteers, and learners. All reported incidents will be reviewed and investigated as appropriate.


A physical act, whether or not it causes actual bodily harm to another person or damage to the property of another. Acts of violence include, but are not limited to:

  • Striking another with closed fist or open hand
  • Kicking another person
  • Pushing, shoving, grabbing, or elbowing another
  • Throwing an object at, or near, another person
  • Intentionally damaging University or personal property

Bullying is a form of conduct that is abusive and unjustified by UCSF’s legitimate business/educational interests. Bullying is defined as behavior of an individual or group of individuals that a reasonable person would find hostile, offensive, oppressive, and/or humiliating. It may include but is not limited to:

  • Infliction of verbal/written abuse, such as the use of derogatory remarks, insults, and/or epithets, including but not limited to language that humiliates, belittles, and/or degrades
  • Performance feedback that is delivered by yelling, screaming, making threats and/or insults
  • Sabotaging or undermining a person’s work performance
  • Spreading misinformation or malicious rumors
  • Inappropriate comments about a person’s appearance, lifestyle, family or culture
  • Teasing or making someone the brunt of pranks or practical jokes
  • Interfering with a person’s personal property or work equipment
  • Purposefully and inappropriately impacting a person’s work environment so as to exclude, isolate or marginalize a person from normal work activities
  • Circulating inappropriate or embarrassing photos or videos, including electronically (e.g., via email or social media)
  • Unwarranted physical contact, even if non-violent
  • Electronic communications, such as social media, text or email, that are disparaging or derogatory
  • A single act shall not constitute bullying, unless especially severe or egregious. 

A physical, verbal, and/or written act toward another person(s), which causes them to reasonably fear for their safety and/or the safety of others. Although typically present as a pattern of behavior over time, a single act if egregious enough would constitute intimidation.

Retaliation includes threats, intimidation, reprisals, and/or adverse employment or educational actions against a person based on their report of Prohibited Conduct or participation in the investigation, report, remedial, or disciplinary processes provided for in this Policy.

A physical, verbal, and/or written act that threatens bodily harm to another person and/or damage to the property of another, as distinguished from other kinds of threats such as legal action, non-physical retaliation, reports to authorities, or adverse media coverage.

No person shall possess or have control of any firearm, deadly weapon, or prohibited knife, as legally defined, while on the property of the University of California, San Francisco, except as authorized by the UCSF Police Department.


All UC community members are expected to behave in ways that support UC’s Principles of Community and Regents Policy 1111 (Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct), which states that UC is committed to treating each member of the University community with respect and dignity. Abusive conduct and bullying behaviors are inconsistent with the values of the University and should be addressed directly and comprehensively. The University does not tolerate abusive conduct or bullying. Regardless of circumstances or setting, staff at all levels found to be engaging in abusive conduct should be held accountable. No member of the University community will be retaliated against for reporting bullying in good faith.

Any UCSF faculty member, student, or employee found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal pursuant to applicable University personnel policies or collective bargaining agreements as well as criminal prosecution.


Reporting Emergency Situations, Imminent Threats of Violence or Prior Violence

Any emergency, perceived emergency, and/or suspected criminal conduct (including sexual violence) shall be reported immediately to the UCSF Police Department.

Reporting Intimidation, Threats or Acts of Violence

UCSF community members shall report intimidation, threats of violence and/or acts of violence to:

  • UCPD (9-911 or 415-476-6911), especially if violence has already occurred or is imminent
  • FSAP (415-476-8279), ask to speak with a member of the Threat Management Team

Reporting Bullying/Abusive Conduct

Any UCSF community member who is the subject of, or a witness to, a suspected violation of this policy should report the violation to a supervisor or manager, or the appropriate UCSF official listed below.

Any UCSF supervisor, manager, or person in authority who receives a report of a suspected violation of this policy shall document the incident and notify the appropriate UCSF official listed below. Additionally, any UCSF supervisor, manager, or person in authority who receives a report of a suspected violation that also includes conduct potentially prohibited by the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment and/or the UC Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action in the Workplace shall report the conduct to the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination.

  • Faculty and Non-Faculty Academics (not represented by a bargaining unit): Report to the Department Chair or Division Director. If unsure who that is, email [email protected]  
  • Staff and/or Employees Represented by a Bargaining Unit: [email protected] or via phone at 415-353-4012 or 415-353-4107
  • Students: Student Life’s Student Conduct Officer at 415-502-3302
  • Community members (e.g., patrons of UCSF athletic facilities, food services, etc.): Report to the manager on duty
  • Patients and/or family members: Report to the manager on site or Patient Relations

Anyone may report bullying/abusive conduct to the Whistleblower Hotline at: 415-476-3851 or University-wide confidential web reporting (independently operated by EthicsPoint) 1-800-403-4744. Reports to the Whistleblower Hotline or EthicsPoint may remain anonymous.