150-22: DMV Employer Pull Notice Program Participation

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The circumstances that require a UCSF employee to enroll in the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employer Pull Notice program and actions the University may take if the University is notified of any disqualifying action reported by the DMV.


Pursuant to the California Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1988, the University is required to obtain public driving records through the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employer Pull Notice program for UCSF employees whose jobs entail driving certain types of vehicles or who are required to have a driver’s license as a condition of employment.

This policy identifies the circumstances that require a UCSF employee to enroll in the Employer Pull Notice program and actions the University may take if the University is notified of any disqualifying action reported by the DMV.


A vehicle owned or leased by the University and that has been assigned an individual identification number and designated as University property.

Expired license or certificate, suspended or revoked license, moving violation, accident, and drinking under the influence (DUI) are common examples.


  1. Employees are required to be enrolled in the Employer Pull Notice Program if their job position:
    1. Requires assignment to drive a university vehicle including, but not limited to, shuttle buses, mail/distribution/storage trucks, special construction equipment, vehicles transporting radioactive or hazardous waste materials, vehicles with tank configurations, police vehicles, and ambulances;
    2. Allows occasional use of a university vehicle, such as, but not limited to, motorcycles, cars, vans, and pick-up trucks; and/or
    3. Requires regular driving for University business and, as determined by the hiring department or Human Resources, the job description requires a valid driver’s license of any type.
  2. Employees required to participate in the Employer Pull Notice program shall be informed that the University will receive reports of their public driving records from the DMV and that these reports may be used as a basis for taking corrective action, up to and including dismissal.
  3. If an employee required to participate in the Employer Pull Notice program receives a DMV disqualifying action, the University may initiate corrective action, up to and including dismissal. The corrective action imposed will depend on the disqualifying action. At at a minimum, a lapsed license or special certificate will result in automatic cancellation of the employee’s authority to drive a university vehicle.


  1. Employees enrolled in the DMV Employer Pull Notice Program are:
    1. Required to maintain a valid drivers license and all special certificates required for the performance of job duties;
    2. Must promptly notify their supervisor in the event of any DMV disqualifying action against their driver’s license or certificate; and
    3. Should complete online Pull Notice driver training within the first six months after enrollment in the program (preferred).
  2. Department Heads (or department management designees) are required to:
    1. Notify Transportation Services staff of employees meeting the criteria requirements of the DMV Employer Pull Notice Program;
    2. Ensure employees required to participate in the Employer Pull Notice Program are informed that the University will receive their public driving record reports from the DMV and that the DMV information may be used as a basis for taking corrective action, up to and including dismissal from employment with the University; and
    3. Take appropriate action(s) when notified of an employee’s DMV motor vehicle disqualifying action.
  3. Transportation Services Responsibilities:
    1. Act as a liaison with the DMV for the Employer Pull Notice Program;
    2. Maintain DMV Employer Pull Notice Program records;
    3. Request, receive, disseminate, retain, and coordinate information received from the DMV;
    4. Promote Employer Pull Notice Program online training access to employees enrolled in the program; and
    5. Store driver record information in a secure location.
