100-30: Continuing Education Programs

Questions? Contact Campus Administrative Policies


Guidelines for the administration of continuing education programs offered by academic departments.


This policy establishes guidelines for the administration of continuing education programs offered by academic departments.


Those programs in which the educational content is clearly professional in character or aimed at improving the professional competence of individuals. These programs include classes, lecture series, conferences, workshops, seminars, short courses, and correspondence courses, whether for credit or non-credit, offered by UCSF to individuals other than students formally registered in the University's degree, certificate, or residency programs.


A. Continuing education programs must be self-supporting. The total costs of operations, including staff salaries and program expenses, must be covered by the revenues generated by registration fees, educational grants, etc.

B. Continuing education programs must be structured and operated within established UCSF departments, with the approval and oversight of the department chair or other responsible academic officer, and subject to all operating requirements, policies, and procedures of the campus.

1. A detailed budget for each continuing education program must be approved by the department chair prior to each event.

2. All revenue must be deposited into a department revenue account through the campus Accounting Office. Any refunds must be paid out of revenue accounts.

3. Revenues from "educational grants" are considered private gifts and must be processed through University Development.

4. Honorarium payments for teaching in continuing education programs must be made in accordance with Administrative Policy 300-29, Honoraria.

5. All transactions, such as purchasing, entertainment expense, and travel reimbursements, must be processed through the Accounting Office within approved limits. Exceptions which fall within the current guidelines governing exceptional expenses must have appropriate approvals before submission to the Accounting Office.

C. Exemptions

Specifically exempted from this policy are:

1. regular summer session programs;

2. cultural events and public lectures sponsored and administered by a department or organized research unit for which no credit is given or fees charged;

3. meetings of learned societies hosted by instructional units; and

4. training programs for University staff.


Contact responsible office with any questions.
