Ensures the safe conduct of research using infectious agents, select agents, and recombinant DNA technology.
The Biosafety Committee has been established to advise the Chancellor and work with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEH&S) to ensure the safe conduct of research using infectious agents, select agents and recombinant DNA technology.
Biological organisms and toxins identified and listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that are subject to specific registration and safe guards.
The Biosafety Committee recommends to the Chancellor policies and procedures to provide adequate precautions and safeguards necessary to prevent infections for research using etiologic agents (whether bacterial, viral, rickettsial, chlamydial, parasitic, or fungal). The Biosafety Committee, in collaboration with the biosafety officer of EH&S, reviews and approves all research facilities and procedures using recombinant DNA technology for appropriate containment of biological material, including viruses, cell cultures, and protists.
A. Executive Vice Chancellor
The Executive Vice Chancellor:
1. Appoints the Biosafety Committee and also may invoke special procedures to resolve disagreements regarding biosafety matters.
2. Has delegated the daily operations regarding biosafety to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Research.
B. Biosafety Committee
It is the responsibility of the Biosafety Committee to:
1. Review technical and safety-related aspects of the use of recombinant DNA and infectious agents;
2. Develop a safety and operations manual for use of etiologic and other potentially biohazardous agents;
3. Certify that facilities, procedures, and practices have been reviewed and approved;
4. Promulgate a biosafety program in conjunction with OEH&S that satisfies federal, state, and local laws and regulations;
5. Limit or revoke, as authorized by the Chancellor, an investigator's authority to use biohazardous materials if such use presents a hazard to individuals or violates health and safety codes;
6. Implement the provisions of the Use of Department of Health and Human Services Select Agents;
7. Perform other duties to fulfill its charge, as may be required by the Executive Vice Chancellor.
C. Biosafety Officer
The biosafety officer of OEH&S provides technical support to the Biosafety Committee, including biological laboratory inspection and approval, consultation, education, and service as a liaison with regulatory bodies.
D. Principal Investigator
In using etiologic agents or recombinant DNA technology, principal investigators must conduct their research in compliance with accepted standards of safe laboratory practice and any conditions of approval required by the Biosafety Committee or the Biosafety Officer of OEH&S.
- UCSF Campus Code of Conduct
- Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, Centers for Disease Control(CDC) 3rd Edition, l993
- California Code of Regulations, Environmental Health Standards (Title 22)
- California Waste Management Act , 1990
- Code of Federal Regulations, Vol.51, No.88, 5/7/86
- UCSF Biosafety Manual
- UCSF Environmental Health and Safety Website
- UCSF Office of Research Website
- UCSF Infectious Agent Transportation Policy, Environmental Health and Safety
- Use of Department of Health and Human Services Select Agents