250-14: Press and Media Relations

Questions? Contact Campus Administrative Policies


A single administrative department is delegated authority to coordinate, maximize, and facilitate all interactions with press, other news media, and commercial entities.


In order to ensure consistent and accurate communication with the media, a single administrative department is delegated authority by the Chancellor to coordinate, maximize, and facilitate all interactions with press and/or other news media and commercial entities.


All inquiries from the press and other media, as well as requests to film or photograph from drug companies, educational organizations, advertising agencies, film, television and other commercial entities should be referred to the Public Affairs unit within the Office of Communications. This includes inquiries about research, teaching, clinical findings, patient care as well as inquiries about individual faculty, house staff, students, staff, and patients.


  1. Public Affairs is responsible for publicity about research and clinical findings, professional activities, presentations at scientific meetings or publications in scientific journals, announcement of patents and licenses for commercial use, and campus events.
  2. The Executive Director, Public Affairs is responsible for determining the publicity value of a story as well as the form, method, time, and sources of distribution of the publicity.


UCSF Press Code, News and Public Information Services, 6/78