650-12: Campus Cabling

Questions? Contact Campus Administrative Policies


Delineates the approvals that are needed for remodeling and new construction projects requiring communications cabling or conduit.


This policy delineates the approvals that are needed for remodeling and new construction projects requiring communications cabling or conduit.


Wiring used to transport voice, data, video, and images.


  1. In order to accommodate the current and future communications needs of all campus sites and to ensure that all cabling projects conform to applicable state and local codes and standards, all new and remodeled space must meet campus IT network cabling standards on file with IT Network Engineering.
    1. These standards include, but are not limited to, wiring, conduit, and electrical requirements; communications requirements; and face-plate standards.
    2. All architects, planners, and contractors, whether internal or external to the University, must adhere to these standards.
  2. Departments undertaking cabling projects that involve running cables through walls, ceilings, concealed ceiling spaces, or that in any way breach the envelope (e.g., walls, ceiling, floor) of a room, must have prior approval from the Facilities Services Building Manager before the project begins.
  3. If deemed necessary by the Facilities Services Building Manager, running cables across walkways, under carpets, or beneath the floor may also require the approval of Environmental Health and Safety.
  4. Cabling between machines within the envelope of a room does not require Facilities Services' approval but must comply with all applicable policies and governmental standards.
  5. No construction drawing that involves communications conduit or cabling will receive final campus approval without the review and approval via request to network engineering found at the IT Service Page.


Contact Responsible Office (see above) with any questions.